Oral Health Info

Stages of Gum Disease

Stages of Gum Disease

Gum disease is an infection of the tissues that surround and support your teeth. It is a major cause of tooth loss in adults. Because early gum disease is usually...

Stages of Gum Disease

Gum disease is an infection of the tissues that surround and support your teeth. It is a major cause of tooth loss in adults. Because early gum disease is usually...

Peri-Implant Disease

Peri-Implant Disease

Peri-implant disease is an infectious disease that causes inflammation of the gum and the bone structure around a dental implant. Chronic inflammation causes bone loss, which can lead to a...

Peri-Implant Disease

Peri-implant disease is an infectious disease that causes inflammation of the gum and the bone structure around a dental implant. Chronic inflammation causes bone loss, which can lead to a...

Dental Implant Care & Maintenance

Dental Implant Care & Maintenance

Use an oral irrigator like the Hydro Floss® to help reduce the buildup of plaque around implants. Oral irrigation has been clinically proven safe and effective for use with dental implants and...

Dental Implant Care & Maintenance

Use an oral irrigator like the Hydro Floss® to help reduce the buildup of plaque around implants. Oral irrigation has been clinically proven safe and effective for use with dental implants and...

Gum Disease & Diabetes - A Two Way Street

Gum Disease & Diabetes - A Two Way Street

Exploring the link between gum disease & diabetes.

Gum Disease & Diabetes - A Two Way Street

Exploring the link between gum disease & diabetes.